> No it isn't. You -want- a RNG but you can't have one. Nobody
> -wants- a PRNG, they -settle- for it.
I think there is some confusion here - if you are using a PRNG as a stream
cypher, the last thing in the world you want is for it to be truely random -
you need to sync up two prngs in order to decrypt the message, and
randomness would defeat that (I can see a case where you introduce a little
randomness and use some redundant method to strip it out before encryption,
but that's only a second layer of obscurity of little value if the
mainstream crypto is borken.

> What one wants is a bit sequence which is
> -random-.
if you want random numbers, get a rng - a prng is never going to be a rng,
and everyone knows it. given you are using a prng in any case, does it
matter if the prng sequence being used happens to be a sequence of pi, or
any other fixed sequence?

> > any subset of the digits of pi is as close to RNG output as you would
> > need to satisfy any entropy tests - unless you *knew* you had derived it
> > from pi you couldn't distinguish it from a true random string of the
> > size.
> Satisfying an -entropy test- is -not- equivalent to -being- a RNG. It only
> says that within a particular error margin you're -close enogh-.
indeed so. but if someone has said a prng is truely a rng, I must have
missed it.

> Really? The offset into the sequence is a fixed width and the result is
> alaways a single character. Where do you add a bit?
what makes you think the offset is a fixed width? pi is of infinite length
(or so I am told) so any offset is also at least potentially of infinite
size. speed and physical construction constraints limit that, but not enough
to fit your claims of it being easily defeatable.

> > the single-digit-of-pi formula is too slow to form a good stream cypher,
> > is otherwise ok;
> Maybe for you, I sure as hell wouldn't use it either as a key or as a
> seed into a known hashing/whiting algorithm.
its probably a better (if much slower) stream cypher than most currently in
use; I can't think of any that have larger than a 256 internal state, and
that implies a 2^256 step cycle at best; for pi to be worse, it would have
to have less than 2^256 digits.

> Let me ask you a more pointy question. Are you selecting some offset and
> then taking the sequence of digits from pi, or are you selecting the
> digits out of order? In either of these cases it isn't the sequence of pi
> that is providing the randomness (which is apparently the claim) but
> rather the selection process; which is both undescribed at this point
> -and- simply moves the argument from one area to another - this -proving-
> nothing.
no, you are using a subset of a pseudo-random stream of infinite length;
there is little benefit in selecting digits at random, if you are relying on
the pseudorandomness of the stream itself.  I am at a loss to see what you
are driving at, so am forced to assume we are considering radically
different cases.

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