On 24 Apr 2002 at 17:41, David Howe wrote:

> > Maybe for you, I sure as hell wouldn't use it either as a key or as a
> > seed into a known hashing/whiting algorithm.
> its probably a better (if much slower) stream cypher than most currently in
> use; I can't think of any that have larger than a 256 internal state, and
> that implies a 2^256 step cycle at best; for pi to be worse, it would have
> to have less than 2^256 digits.

This is putting sillines on top of silliness.  It's true that in principle
that the decimal expansion of pi has an infinite number of digits,
but any practical implementation of a PRNG based on pi
would still have to have a finite number of accessable states.

That is, to get the infinite cycle, you'd have to have some method of
generating a uniform random integer 0 to infinity for the
initial state, and you'd need an infinite amount of memory
to store  the current internal state.  Neither of which
is acheivable ion practice.

Conversely, a PRNG whose cycle is "only" 2^256 bits long
will never repeat itself during the lifetime of the device, or
the lifetime of the universe for that matter.


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