Sampo Syreeni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aren't there dedicated avalanche diodes available with low breakdown
> voltages, precisely for this reason? I think they're used in applications
> where zeners could be, except for higher breakdown current.

Sure.  I was thinking of an IC design, in which case you're a lot more
likely to be able to make a bipolar than you are to have essentially
<5V zeners.

>> [mention of reliability issues]
> Shouldn't be a problem, if you limit the breakdown current. If you're
> after entropy, you'd likely want to use a constant current source anyway.

To first order, yes, but at least a couple of the processes I've
worked with warn against even controlled emitter-base breakdown.  Of
course, I suppose they're assuming you want to use the transistor some
other way, too...

Riad Wahby
MIT VI-2/A 2002

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