Tyler Durden wrote on February 20, 2003 at 12:24:40 -0500:

> As for quoting zmag (which I do), it's silly that this indicates a
> necessarily leftie/pinko/commie slant.

Did you read my full paragraph? Quoting zmag was not the only criteria I

> Chomsky, a frequent contributor, has described himself as basically anarchic
> in his political leanings.

Noam Chomsky is no true anarchist. Chomsky is a commie pinko totalitarian.

Chomsky denied the Cambodian holocaust, and is on record as having praised
North Vietnam as some sort of democratic worker's paradise. He has defended,
rationalized, and denied acts of terror, mass-murder and slavery.

> More importantly, however, is the fact that Chomsky often develops some very
> strong counter-arguments to US agit-spew.

So does Kevin Alfred Strom.

Tom Veil

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