On 23 Feb 2003 at 15:55, Tyler Durden wrote:
> With respect to the Cambodia issue, Chomsky is pointing out  
> how US agit-prop and media take advantage of our lack of 
> certainty with respect to the real numbers.

Originally Chomsky lied about Cambodia, to deny the crimes of
the Khmer Rouge.   He changed his tune after the Soviet Union
changed their tune.

> Chomsky estimates that only 800,000 are verifiable via 
> publically accessible documentation.

Chomsky originally claimed "thousands, not tens of thousands", 
a statement he attributed to "highly qualified specialists" 
although the people he cited were too cautious to make the 
claim he attributed to them.

> As for the Cambodia issue, I think the US government's 
> complicity in 'inadvertently' bringing the KR into power is a 
> good precedent for what we're doing in the Middle East.

Originally, Chomsky claimed that the Khmer Rouge were 
rebuilding Cambodia, that they were comparable to the french 
resistance, that the stories of massacres had been repeatedly 
discovered to be false, and so on and so forth.

         James A. Donald

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