On 21 Feb 2003 at 11:13, Tyler Durden wrote:
> However, one way to see the situation is more of a buy-off.
> Arguably, the government plunders in order to "pay off"
> welfare society, because if they didn't the masses would rise
> up and kill off the system

But among reasonably capitalist societies, those with least
welfare, for example Hong Kong, are in the least danger of
political disturbance from the poor, whereas those with the
highest welfare, in particular france, are frequently on the
edge of revolution.

High welfare state countries tend to have high permanent
unemployment, so there are lots of able people who cannot get
jobs, who therefore become revolutionaries, lots of able people
who have jobs they hate but cannot change -- which is why in
America "going postal" has come to mean an explosion of
destructive rage -- post office employees are well paid, but of
such low competence they cannot get well paid jobs elsewhere,
so they are trapped.

Secondly in high welfare state countries, by definition, wealth
is politally distributed, leading to correspondingly high
levels of organized group violence, as frequently illustrated
in France.

         James A. Donald

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