On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:22:09AM -0800, Eric Cordian wrote:
> Sunder writes:
> > Should war in the Gulf commence, the Pentagon proposes to take
> > radical new steps in media relations - 'unauthorised' journalists will be
> > shot at. Speaking on The Sunday Show on Ireland's RTE1 last sunday
> > war reporter Kate Adie said she had been warned by a senior Pentagon
> > official that uplinks, i.e. TV broadcasts or satellite phones, that are
> > detected by US aircraft are likely to be fired on.
> This is nothing new.  Radio and TV stations and other "unauthorized"
> sources of information are always first on the target list whenever the US
> starts a war.

But its still a violation of the geneva conventions to kill civilians,
lets not forget. Just like in Serbia...


Our government is just full of war criminals. Thus their refusal to be
in the ICC founding in the Hague this week.

> I think the Pentagon spokeshomo put it this way.  "Propaganda outlets ARE
> military targets."  Propaganda being anything not released by the
> Pentagon, of course.

of course.

> Have you seen this lovely new media room in Qatar that Hollywood is
> building as a set for Iraq war briefings?
>   <"In front of the stage, two 70-inch projection screens and five
>    50-inch plasma screens will flash maps, graphics and crystal-clear
>    video images of war-zone action. In the background will hang a
>    soft-focus elongated map of the world, as if to imply that the
>    entire globe is united behind the United States.>
>   <"I like to achieve a level of detail that makes it difficult to
>    distinguish a set from reality," Mr. Allison recently told the
>    Times Union newspaper in Albany, N.Y.>

i hadn't heard about that. thanks. makes the bile rise in my throat.

michael cardenas       | lead software engineer, lindows.com
hyperpoem.net          | GNU/Linux software developer
people.debian.org/~mbc | encrypted email preferred

"The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and
you are out there."
- Yasutani Roshi

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