Sorry, Tyler.  I believe I spoke too soon.  The comments you provided
look like they were 'de-referenced'.

Back to my attention-deficit lurking.

jim burnes

On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 03:22 PM, Tyler Durden wrote:

Patriot Keith Ray wrote...

The US is also the world's foremost provider of economic aid. Whether >the US is a bully or a peacekeeper really depends on your perspective.

Yes, and the fact that the majority of this aid is in the form of munitions credits is proof of the fact that we Americans are willing to help other nations defend the cause of freedom throughout the > world.

Of course, it might be pointed out that the US has given aid to the likes of Saddam Hussein in the form of billions of dollars, much in munitions credits. But the obvious reponse to this is that, when we supported him, he was not evil, and had not yet turned away from freedom into darkness. Likewise with the Taliban, Argentina, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and so on.


From: Keith Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I for one am glad that...
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 13:39:59 -0600

Quoting Eric Cordian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The US is one of many nations. Since the inception of the United Nations,
> and International Law, a nation may go to war only if it is attacked or in
> iminent danger of being attacked by another nation. The US is a signatory
> of the UN charter, and is consequently bound by it as if it were law.
> Military actions taken because of a perceived future threat to world peace
> can only be authorized by the UN Security Council.

The UN authorized force in resolution 678 to uphold current and future
resolutions. The UN voted unanimously to declare Iraq in violation of previous
UN resolutions in 1441. The UN weapons inspector's reports detailed many
omissions in Iraq's weapons declaration and failures to fully cooperate with

United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 (1990)

"2. Authorizes Member States co-operating with the Government of Kuwait, unless
Iraq on or before 15 January 1991 fully implements, as set forth in paragraph 1
above, the foregoing resolutions, to use all necessary means to uphold and
implement resolution 660 (1990) and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to
restore international peace and security in the area;"

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002)

"13. Recalls, in that context, that the Council has repeatedly warned Iraq that
it will face serious consequences as a result of its continued violations of its

> So-called terrorists hate not our freedom, but our meddling.

This is no excuse for use of unconventional warfare against the US nor does it
delegitimize the US's use of force to defend themselves.

> > That is why our leader, George W. Bush, understands that in order to
> > protect our freedoms, special precautions are necessary.
> George W. Bush is a raving lunatic, barking at the moon, lying through his
> teeth, and dragging the nation into another Bush family war.

Ad hominem attacks against the President are irrelevant to the current
discussion. As far as dragging the nation to war, 70% of the American people
are behind him.

> > Of course, in order to secure our freedom, all citizens must actively
> > support our government's efforts to secure this freedom. Anyone who
> > does not obviously support American freedom is clearly opposed to it and
> > must be stopped, or he will help our enemies take away our freedom.
> More Freedom = Less Government. I support maximal freedom.

By that reasoning, maximum freedom equals no government. Let's disband the
police and military and see how long the US lasts.

> > Let us as responsible citizens of this free and peaceful nation pledge
> > ourselves in the fight against evil. May God help us in our fight.
> The US is the foremost international bully in the world today, pursuing an
> agenda of globalization on its own terms, during a brief period in which
> it enjoys complete and total military superiority.

The US is also the world's foremost provider of economic aid. Whether the US is
a bully or a peacekeeper really depends on your perspective.

> World government may be inevitable at some time in the future, but it
> would be idiotic to permit that world government to grow from the
> coalition of Bible Spewing Jesus Christers, and their "Neo-Conservative"
> handlers that currently have their greedy paws on America's military
> machine.

Damn those free elections! Why can't we just agree to let you pick the world's

> Justice in the Middle East would be Sharon, Netanyahu, and two generations
> of the Bush family hanging in downtown Baghdad. After a fair trial and
> due process at the hands of the International Community, of course.

This kind of statement works a lot better for Tim than it does for you.

Keith Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- OpenPGP Key: 0x79269A12

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