Sunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Anonymous wrote:
> > Keith Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > This is no excuse for use of unconventional warfare against the US nor does it
> > > delegitimize the US's use of force to defend themselves.
> > > 
> > 
> >    What a crock of shit. I sure hope that Saddam kept enough sarin to bring
> > an excrutiatingly horrible death to all 250,000 of those Nazi boys Dubbya
> > sent over there, and then maybe those lunatics in DC will really go off the
> > deep end and nuke Baghdad, sending the entire Muslim world into a total
> > century long jihad against the US.  
> Hey, shit for brains, those are our sons, brothers, (and some of our
> braver sisters and daughters) that will be putting their lives in danger.  
> They do not deserve such disrespect.  Aim it where it belongs: Shrub.

   Hey shitforbrains yourself -- the troops *are* the problem. I'll support
them when they shoot their officers and noncoms and come back and clean out 
washington. First off -- they ain't draftees, they are all, each and every
one, volunteers. Many of them there for the money they got as reserves --in
other words, mercenarys. And all you got to do is listen to the interviews,
a great many of these assholes are very gungho. 
   During Vietnam, a great many people went to Canada, and many already in the
army deserted. So what's with these fucks? So far there hasn't been even one
single desertion, and the war in Vietnam was one helluva lot more palatable 
than this one. 
   Bottom line -- anybody who thinks the US has the right to depose the leader
of another country that ain't attacking us, needs killing. Anybody who thinks
that each and every country in the world doesn't have an inalienable right to
own guns (including nukes, bio/chem agents/etc.) needs killing.
> Don't go worshipping Al Qaeda now, dumbass, did you forget that these
> terrorists are not on your side? - they killed thousands of innocents in
> New York with little reson.

   That was bogus bullshit -- 17,000 die every year in the US from drunk
drivers, lets declare war on cars. The US murdered over 5000 innocent people
in Panama for christs sake. Literally for christs sake. Most of the people
in the US military seriously need killing -- I hope they get it the most
painful way possible.

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