> A UN Security Council resolution authorizing any Member State to use "all
> necessary means" to uphold a previous Security Council resolution.

"Necessary means" of one seem to be "hostile aggression" of nearly all

> > > As far as dragging the nation to war, 70% of the American people
> > > are behind him.

They forgot to make corrections for the option when there is no agreement
of the Security Council, maybe under the mistaken belief Bush won't play
unfair. Sidestepping the new resolution in order to exploit a loophole in
the previous one is an unclear move.

> > The number is suspiciously high in comparison with what I hear from my
> > friends.
> Your friends disagree with two national polls and so the polls must be wrong?

The polls are suspicious by their nature itself. My friends are a selected
group (they usually think for their own), and the numbers there look
rather as 90% against the aggression. Besides, the poll doesn't specify
details, making it somehow doubtful.

> Why wait until then?  This anarchy things sounds pretty nifty.  If we can get
> total freedom by abolishing government, why wait for society to collapse?


The Adversary has too much of firepower, and no desire to let the peasants
free. But if you keep low profile enough, it is of course possible within
certain practical limits; eg, The Government can't control nor see
intra-community transactions done in cash or barter, nor can easily peek
into encrypted data transfers. Friends and math are good things to have.

> > The aid is administered or withheld as it suits to current foreign
> > politics goals.
> Of course it is.  Name a sovereign nation that doesn't.

Then it shouldn't be claimed it is an altruistic help.

> "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the
> Right of the People to alter or abolish it,"

If the people aren't mistakenly believing that "it can't happen here".

Many Americans that came here reportedly feel more free than in the US -
less surveillance (for now), less petty rules enforced, less risk of a

> Until this happens, our current goverment and its system of elections is the law
> of the land.

Screwed up, enforced with weapons, backed with propaganda.

We have to have the means to at least reduce the effective impact of their
Laws over us, giving us some chance to breathe more freely.

Which is, after all, one of the purposes of the List.

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