Quoting Harmon Seaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>     What bullshit. You just suck right up to those war criminals don't you?
> Do you work for them too?

No, I just refuse to allow lies to go unchallenged by a bunch of bloodthirsty
peaceniks who want to see US troops gassed, shot, blown-up, or nuked.  The use
of force in Iraq is legal.

I believe that France, Russia, and Germany are not against this war on principle
but due to their ill treatment by Bush's diplomatic style (or lack thereof). 
Their fear is not Iraqi regime change or civilian casualties but American

Immediately after September 11th, the world's leaders came together behind the US:

"I want to express to you my deep condolences and my unlimited solidarity to you
and the American people. -- Schroeder

"In these terrible circumstances, all French people stand by the American
people. We express our friendship and solidarity in this tragedy." -- Chirac

"The entire international community should unite in the struggle against
terrorism... this is a blatant challenge to humanity." -- Putin

Many of Europe's leading countries backed up their words by invoking the NATO
Article V mutual defense clause.  Schroeder felt so strongly about the need to
aid Germany's friend and ally, he was willing to face a no confidence vote to
send German troops to Afghanistan.  As thanks for his support, Bush initially
refused to accept NATO's help and then refused to share in any decision-making.
 In less than two months, Bush managed to make a diplomatic enemy out of an ally.

"Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists" -- Bush

Ever since September 11th, Bush has gone out of his way to tell the world that
the US is going to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants.  At the same time
that the US rejects European initiatives like the ICC, it expects Europe to
blindly sign any resolution it brings to the UN.  Even if a member of the
Council were to agree with the US, how could it justify support to its people
when the US constantly threatens and marginalizes it?

Bush is a cowboy and its high time he was thrown from the horse.

Keith Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- OpenPGP Key: 0x79269A12

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