Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
> > Tim - I don't think the cowboy (aka Shrubya) knows enough economics to
> > realize that, in the long term, income and expenditure must
> > be in some kind
> > of rough balance.  He's always been able to lean on daddy's money.
> I'm wondering whether the successive US administrations are not
> increasingly planning to live off the world, by way of their economic
> debt. Buy with monkey money, never reimburse. Effectively taxing the
> other economies for their expenses.

Straightforward imperialism. 

US follows the British example, 2 centuries later.

The PNACs even sound like Palmerston and Castlereagh.

> Though economies might be already too linked together for this to
> work fine, as damage to one part of the world's economy will reflect
> on others, including the US. Hmm, I think I'll do some googling now...

Didn't work in the 19th century either. Empires and armies cost too

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