'Gabriel Rocha' wrote:
> it is around 1130, local time, Geneva, Switzerland and
> http://www.aljazeera.net/ is working just fine. (well, it might be a
> fake, but not having ever seen the original, I don't know)

It looks like over here in Europe we're getting DNS to aljazeera.net
pointing to a French site.  I don't know if that would have been the
case a few days ago.

http://www.cursor.org/aljazeera.htm  has pointers to news items claiming

"Launch of English website delayed until mid-April
Doha - Waves of spam kept Al-Jazeera's website down for a third day on
Thursday and officials at the satellite channel said it was coming from
US e- mailers apparently angry over its coverage of the Iraqi war.
The Qatar-based network, which has broadcast graphic footage of dead US
and British soldiers, also said it would now have to delay the
introduction of an English-language site for several weeks due to the
barrage of spam, or junk electronic mail.
"English.aljazeera.net will not be launched until mid-April," online
editor-in-chief Abdel Aziz Al-Mahmud told AFP."

Which, if true (could be COW-a-ganda)  means AJ are victims of
successful DoS.

Maybe someone should tell them about Spam Assassin.

aljazeera.com.qa gives me  which ARIN assign to cybergate
in Florida.   Last stages of traceroute are:

Nuts! That has a website pointing to "Al-Jazeera Islamic Bank"

For all I know Al-Jazeera may be the Qatari equivalent of Acme and Ace
in Roadrunner cartoons. Default corporate brand name.

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