On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 07:44:43PM -0500, stuart wrote:
> Yes, wicca is a word with old roots.
> The inventor of wicca, Gerald Gardner, had a very good idea looking up
> the old english word for 'witch' when he concocted his story in the
> 50's.

   I have no clue who Gerald Gardner is, but you seriously need to do some
research on the subject if you think he "invented" anything. He may well have
started his own coven from scratch, but there are definitely wiccans and druids
who can trace their lineage far back into antiquity. You might find it
interesting, for example, to know that William Blake was the Arch-Druid of his
time, in fact testified in court about it. 
   For that matter, you might take a look at the spiritual activities of the
Third Reich. "Those of you who think National Socialism is a political movement
know nothing about it. We are establishing a new religious order, and the SS are
the high priests."
              Adolph Hitler

   Or perhaps a little closer to home, check out Aleister Crowley, William
Yeats, and all that crowd. Magick, alchemy, the craft of the wise, are all long
practiced spiritual paths, certainly as valid, probably even more, than
   How about vodun and santeria -- do you consider that to be just bullshit as
well? I suppose it's pretty easy to say that about any and all religions,
especially those you don't know anything about. Just because you've met people
professing to be "wiccans" who don't seem to have any spiritual power is pretty
irrelevant -- how many professed christers have you met who are exactly the

Harmon Seaver   
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

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