Tyler Durden wrote:

"Later today, a source close to the interrogation said that Saddam would be
subjected to stress and sleep deprivation. Basically, teams of
interrogators will ask questions over and over again, and no one will get
any rest until answers are provided."

At least here in NYC local news, it's common to hear newsmaggots issuing leadins such as, "Will the CIA be able to make Saddam talk?" and so on. I think this implies the "obvious", but it's an obvious that should be stated: The US public basically now generally knows that some forms of extreme measures are being applied to prisoners and detainees, and we're willing to look the other way. After all, 9/11 proves "they" (picture a cluster of darkish-skinned turbanned men wearing fatigues and huddling in caves) are out to take away our freedoms. so why shouldn't we do the same thing to them?

I'll take it that was a rhetoric question but:

"Eye for an Eye and the world goes blind."


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