On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 04:46:51PM -0500, Michael Kalus wrote:
> Nice, but the problem still remains: At this point it doesn't matter 
> what he has done (or we say he has done). 

Of course it matters.

> This is not a punishment. 
> "Innocent until proofen guilty" anyone? This is the basis for the 
> "enlightened" western society, no?

This is a principle of civilian life, not military conflicts. There's 
no "innocent until proven guilty" in military conflicts, surely you 
understand that.

Oh, and BTW, do you know that in the enlightened western society (give 
up the sarcastic quotes shtick, it's died and its corpse stinks pretty 
badly) judges commonly allow or deny bail, or set its amount, based on
hypothesised accusations against a detained person, when nothing at all 
has been proven, in the court of law or otherwise? Why don't you go and 
fight that grievious injustice?


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