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On 17-Dec-03, at 5:23 PM, Jim Dixon wrote:

>>> Damn lucky, to be honest.
>> No I did not omit this little bit. This is not the question.
> Oh but it is.

Ah? Why?

>> Guilt or not guilt is not (supposely) decided when captured but in a
>> court of law. You remember, "Justice" the thing the US supposely is
>> standing for?
> Are you saying that the United States has to be a light to the world, 
> that
> it has an extraordinary responsibility to be morally correct, that its
> actions should be judged by a different standard from those of other
> countries?

The US makes these claims on their own. If they are the "good guys" 
than they should act like it. Not only when it is convenient but also 
when it is not. Morale is not about the "best bang for the buck" but 
about integrity. The US Government clearly does not possess a lot of 
integrity when it comes to morale.

> What are you, some kind of pro-American fanatic?

Last time I checked I was a human being.

>> Whatever he did before, it does not matter at this point. At this very
>> moment the people who have to abide are the victors and that means the
>> US Government (and thus the US Military).
>> Two wrongs still don't make a right.
> What exactly is wrong with inspecting a prisoner's teeth and giving him
> a haircut?

Televising this for propaganda purposes.

> Why exactly do you say that mass murder, invasion, genocide somehow
> are outweighed in the scales of justice by a medical examination?

No, what I am saying is that no matter what he did, the US still has to 
play by international rules (or should at least). Using those images 
from Saddam as Propaganda clearly is wrong.


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