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> The west, including the US traded and continues to trade
> heavily with Castro, yet somehow that does not lead you to
> believe they think Castro a good guy, nor does it lead you to
> believe they are actively supporting him.

I don't think Castro is a bad guy either. Believe it or not but not 
everything that is not Freetrade made in America is bad.

>> It is astonishing that it was okay for Saddam to be as evil
>> as be and we (as a society) turned a blind eye to it
> Yet you show no similar astonishment concerning the evil of
> Stalin.

Stalin has been dealt with. His empire has fallen. I am very well aware 
of the past. But my concern right now is the present and the future. 
Also, what you don't seem to get. This is not about Saddam, it is about 
how the US acts.

> Every citation Chomsky gives is fraudulent.
> I recently posted a paragraph by paragraph examination of one
> of his more notorious articles.  Every single citation he gave
> was false in some central and crucial way.
> See my very long posting:
> http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=739htvsqv3bteggtq8p2ht5ae1fl8g3rj
> http://tinyurl.com/yzao

I'll have a look at it. But I guess you also tell me that anything 
Michael Moore said in "Bowling for Columbine" is wrong too?

>> If you ally with the enemy than you are giving up what makes
>> you good.
> It merely means you are dealing with one enemy at a time,
> rather than all of them at once.

Ethics and morales are non negotiable. Either you have it or you don't. 
If you don't have them, fine, but don't pretend you act because of 


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