James A. Donald:
> > Every citation Chomsky gives is fraudulent.
> >
> > I recently posted a paragraph by paragraph examination of 
> > one of his more notorious articles.  Every single citation 
> > he gave was false in some central and crucial way.
> >
> > See my very long posting: http://tinyurl.com/yzao

Michael Kalus
> I'll have a look at it. But I guess you also tell me that 
> anything Michael Moore said in "Bowling for Columbine" is 
> wrong too?

Have not seen it, in large part because I would not expect 
anything written by Michael Moore to contain even a grain of 
truth, and various people have asserted that everything said in 
"Bowling for Columbine' is untrue.

For all I know it could be gospel, but that would surprise me 

Michael Kalus
> > > If you ally with the enemy than you are giving up what 
> > > makes you good.

James A. Donald:
> > It merely means you are dealing with one enemy at a time,  
> > rather than all of them at once.

Michael Kalus
> Ethics and morales are non negotiable.

So I am always told by those who support the slavery, terror, 
and the mass murder of innocents.

There was nothing unethical about allying with Stalin, Pol Pot, 
or Saddam against their and our common enemies.

         James A. Donald

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