>From: "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Nov 24, 2004 1:02 AM
>Subject: Re: Fallujah: Marine Eye-Witness Report

>And the problem with a civil war in Iraq is?

At least three:

a.  The pottery barn theory of foreign affairs--we'd be blamed for making 
things worse.  (I don't know how much this matters long term, but it would 
certainly have made life pretty hard on Tony Blair and the rest of the world 
leaders who actually supported us.)

b.  We would one day like their oil back on the market.

c.  We would like to make sure that the next regime to come to power there 
isn't someone we also feel obligated to get rid of, as even invasions done on 
the cheap cost a lot of money.  

>    --digsig
>         James A. Donald


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