Craig Citro, 18.11.2010 09:13:
>   * Does github have any sort of mailing list support? I'd love to see
> cython-dev migrated


> to something with better searchability, linking, archives, etc

What's wrong with all the archives of the current mailing list? Doesn't at 
least one of them suite your way of using a ML archive? Gmane alone has 
three different web interfaces.

And in what way is "linking" different from "posting a link" or "referring 
to an archive post"? I never had any problem with either of those.

> -- I don't know that there's any special link between
> google groups and, so this is really orthogonal to the
> project hosting question. I know the decision to use codespeak was
> made as an explicit decision against google groups, but my
> understanding is that whatever objections there were are now gone. Is
> that still the case?

 From comparing the ML related comments on cython-dev and cython-users, I 
got the impression that it wasn't that a good idea to have a mailing list 
on google-groups. I remember reading things like "I thought top-posting was 
the right thing to do on google-groups" more than once. An environment that 
doesn't help people to do the right thing doesn't feel welcoming to me. And 
I really hate the way google-groups presents archived threads. Makes them 
totally hard to read.

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