On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Fernando Perez <fperez....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 12:13 AM, Craig Citro <craigci...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> but just
>> for the sake of completeness, are there any features code.google.com
>> has that github doesn't? (Or vice-versa?) Are they things we'd ever be
>> likely to notice?
> I say this as a flat out github fan, who's thrilled we moved for
> IPython and everything else I'm involved with.  But... the github bug
> tracker is *vastly* inferior to google's.  I keep hoping that, with
> how great github is getting very quickly, they'll soon roll out
> something to improve the bug tracker, because it's frankly painfully
> primitive.
> Whoever thought out the google code bug tracker was a smart cookie.
> It relies on what appears to be a plain labels system, but with very
> simple conventions on how to declare the labels, it basically encodes
> a full key-value system on which queries can later be made, reports,
> etc.  It's a really elegant piece of work:
> http://code.google.com/p/support/wiki/IssueTracker
> The github tracker is dumb as a brick in comparison, and their search
> doesn't even work right.  It's frankly embarrassing, and it sticks out
> as a sore thumb compared to how great pretty much everything else
> there is.
> It's only the fact that the contrast is so stark, that makes me hope
> it won't last :)

Thanks for your detailed analysis about the pros and cons of github.
I've played around with the issue tracker there and a google code and
come to the conclusion that

    trac > google code > github

for this piece of the puzzle, but feel like I've only scratched the
surface of the google code site, while reaching the limits of the
github one. The thing I like about trac is the easy visualization of a
milestone (the histogram-by-component is nice to look at, as is the
grouping in the reports--does anyone know how to do that in the above
two systems). However, the easy clone-review-push model of getting
code in is far more important to me.

- Robert
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