Robert Bradshaw, 19.11.2010 01:35:
> On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
>> Dag Sverre Seljebotn, 17.11.2010 11:39:
>>> Forgetting about the git aspect for a moment, I'm strongly in favor of a
>>> DVCS-centered site. That is, +1 to bitbucket, github, gitorious, ++, and
>>> -1 to SourceForge, Google Code, etc.
>> I guess it's bitbucket then? Switching the VCS just because of a project
>> hosting site sounds like more trouble than I'm currently after.
> Would you be opposed to switching? In other words, is that a
> deal-breaker, or simply not worth doing assuming there were no great
> advantage?

Let's say, I'm -0 on switching to git. I never really used it except for a 
couple of times where I had to and that already gave me a scratching itch 
in my neck that told me I was touching something crude. That feeling may be 
wrong, but maybe not. ;-)

However, I'm already happily using hgsvn to talk to SVN, so as long as the 
history can be preserved 100% (which is likely the case), and as long as I 
(and others) have the choice to do the switch or not, I'll be fine.

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