Am Dienstag, 26. August 2008 14:27:27 schrieb Ed Leafe:
> On Aug 26, 2008, at 5:10 AM, Sibylle Koczian wrote:
> > Of course, but for learning Dabo I found a logging area in the main
> > window a
> > little more interesting.
>       Hey, I like that idea. Traditionally we print debug info to stdout,
> but it would be handy to have a GUI option for this. I might steal
> this idea!

For debug info: what's easier to take out again? For Windows it really would 
be useful, because copying text from the command window is not very 
comfortable. And if an application isn't started from a console, stdout 
content may not be visible.

But the demo already has this. Might be a little larger, though.

>       I will grant you that our documentation is lacking, but we try to
> make up for that by being zealous about online support!

Very true. And as the mail archive is searchable quite well it's a helpful 
part of the documentation.

And so I'll put my next question into a new mail with a new and hopefully 
suitable subject.

Till then,

Dr. Sibylle Koczian

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