On Sunday 14 September 2008 08:37:42 am johnf wrote:
> On Sunday 14 September 2008 02:55:42 am John Aherne wrote:
> > I have spent some time playing with the class designer. I like the way
> > it helps in laying out a screen.
> >
> > One issue I had was, thinking into the future, how would I dynamically
> > change a screen layout. So I took some time to see how the cdxml file
> > was dealt with when the program ran.
> >
> > By the way I found a useful utility for reviewing modules in python that
> > helps to see how the code hangs together.
> > import pydoc
> > pydoc.gui()
> > Select the button open browser. I then located the dabo module and it
> > shows the docstrings and how the classes and modules hang together
> > without having to start going through the code rightaway.
> >
> > Anyway, I found that the xml parser creates a temporary  .py file of the
> > code it generated. So I looked at this to see what I might do if I
> > wanted to dynamically change the code. I'm not sure how easy it would be
> > to take this code and make it do what I would like. Nor if I changed it
> > dynamically what the side effects would be and how I would relayout the
> > screen.
> >
> > My next thought was that someone else must have already thought about
> > this and probably taken some action or decided that it was not a
> > practical step. Hopefully, someone can give me some pointers.
> >
> > My other thought was that someone had looked at using this to generate a
> > .py file that could be more directly incorporated into other python
> > modules instead of using the cdxml file.
> >
> > Doing some basic searches doesn't  show up any results, so I'm wondering
> > if this has been discussed before and discarded as an idea.
> >
> > Another thing I have wondered about is:--
> >
> > The dPanel seems to automatically add a menu bar at the top that
> > includes some functions to change the font size of the screen. If I use
> > this it tends to mess up the readable characters and makes them
> > unreadable. It is then difficult to get them back to what I consider the
> > correct size. It also seems to store the result of these changes even if
> > you say do not do so. When you restart the program the minimised font is
> > what is used.
> >
> > I have not yet found exactly where these settings are stored. I have
> > looked at  dPref and settings and I assume they are put into a sqlite
> > table but I have not yet worked out what table and where on my system
> > this is stored.
> >
> > Is there a way of not including this menu bar with the dPanel.
> >
> > Thanks for any info.
> >
> > John Aherne
> When you say "dynamic" I'll assume that you want the UI to change based on
> code flow.   I have seen Nate do exactly that.  Side note: Please Nate show
> the world your ClassDesigner tricks.  Back to the subject at hand:  One of
> the authors Ed Leafe has some example code for using "twitter" and Dabo. 
> In that code you can see some examples of changing the UI layout depending
> on dynamic data changes and as a result of code flow ( If statements,
> etc..). For the life of me I can't find the link - but I'm sure someone on
> the list will provide one.  BTW to best of my knowledge the entire twitter
> app does not use any hand coded UI - it was all done in ClassDesigner.
> Are you sure you aren't discussing dForm (or dApp) and not dPanel?  I ask
> because I don't see where dPanel accesses anything with regard to menus.
> However, dForm and dApp do.  And it easy to turn off if required.
> In your __main__
> app = dabo.dApp()
> app.DefaultMenuBarClass=''  ## turn off the menu bar
> With respect to the "ctrl -" and "ctrl +" causing issues for the UI sounds
> like a bug.  It has worked for me on windows and linux without any trouble
> I'm aware of.  What platform are you using, what version etc..  You can
> obtain the information by using the "about " from any Dabo program.

Found the link

John Fabiani

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