On Sep 14, 2008, at 4:55 AM, John Aherne wrote:

> One issue I had was, thinking into the future, how would I dynamically
> change a screen layout. So I took some time to see how the cdxml file
> was dealt with when the program ran.

        You can add code to hide, show, resize, and change any property of  
any control that you want, just the same as with any other Python GUI  
program. Once the .cdxml is converted to your objects, they're regular  
objects, and can be manipulated as you like.

> By the way I found a useful utility for reviewing modules in python  
> that
> helps to see how the code hangs together.
> import pydoc
> pydoc.gui()
> Select the button open browser. I then located the dabo module and it
> shows the docstrings and how the classes and modules hang together
> without having to start going through the code rightaway.

        There is also the online docs that are generated similarly: 

> Anyway, I found that the xml parser creates a temporary  .py file of  
> the
> code it generated. So I looked at this to see what I might do if I
> wanted to dynamically change the code. I'm not sure how easy it  
> would be
> to take this code and make it do what I would like. Nor if I changed  
> it
> dynamically what the side effects would be and how I would relayout  
> the
> screen.
> My next thought was that someone else must have already thought about
> this and probably taken some action or decided that it was not a
> practical step. Hopefully, someone can give me some pointers.

        I would strongly advise not to rely on the generated code. This code  
is constantly being improved, and what it generates today may be  
different than what it generates in the future. It is also rather  
inefficient, as it sacrifices efficiency for flexibility.

> My other thought was that someone had looked at using this to  
> generate a
> .py file that could be more directly incorporated into other python
> modules instead of using the cdxml file.

        I don't think this is a good idea. The code that it generates is  
completely dependent on Dabo, so there is no way you could access it  
in other modules without also importing the dabo module. If you're  
importing dabo, you might as well use it as it was designed.

> Doing some basic searches doesn't  show up any results, so I'm  
> wondering
> if this has been discussed before and discarded as an idea.
> Another thing I have wondered about is:--
> The dPanel seems to automatically add a menu bar at the top that
> includes some functions to change the font size of the screen. If I  
> use
> this it tends to mess up the readable characters and makes them
> unreadable. It is then difficult to get them back to what I consider  
> the
> correct size. It also seems to store the result of these changes  
> even if
> you say do not do so. When you restart the program the minimised  
> font is
> what is used.
> I have not yet found exactly where these settings are stored. I have
> looked at  dPref and settings and I assume they are put into a sqlite
> table but I have not yet worked out what table and where on my system
> this is stored.
> Is there a way of not including this menu bar with the dPanel.

        It is not dPanel; it's the base dForm class that has its MenuBarClass  
set to dBaseMenuBar. In your form, if you don't want a menu created,  
set that property to None.

-- Ed Leafe

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