On Sep 14, 2008, at 1:06 PM, John Aherne wrote:

> Seems like my comments are being stripped out somehow. So here is a  
> new
> mail.

        The list software strips anything past a quoted footer. So if you  
trim your replies to only include the meaningful stuff, you'll have no  

> Glad I can changes things same as any other object.

        There's nothing magical about stuff created from .cdxml files;  
they're just normal objects.

> I take your point about using the generated code, And I'll look at  
> dForm
> re the menubar.
> What I am puzzled about at the moment is how I would reference any
> element in the form. The reason I looked at the generated code was  
> that
> I was exxpecting to see a class name I could reference something with.
> Am I missing something obvious.

        There are two ways to reference an object. The first is by the dot- 
separated containership names; e.g.,  
self.Form.dPanel.dPageFrame1.dPage1.dTextBox3. This will work as long  
as the names never change.

        The preferred way is to use the RegID property. This must be unique  
among *all* objects on the form, and if present, will register that  
object with that ID with the form. Then you can reference it as  
self.Form.<RegID> no matter where in the form it is located. See 
  for a deeper explanation.

-- Ed Leafe

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