On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:51 AM, johnf <jfabi...@yolo.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday 25 March 2009 02:32:00 am Sibylle Koczian wrote:
> >
> > With wxPython (on Windows XP, with Python 2.6.1) I don't even
> > need the workaround.
> >
> > Mike, does the demo crash, if you choose dGrid?
> >
> > HTH
> > Sibylle
> I have discovered several issues with python 2.6 and wxPython (any
> version).
> They include using dGrid, and moving the mouse while in a grid. My issues
> and
> others have been reported.  For example the pageframe we are using is not
> part of every binary package.  There are no work arounds at the moment that
> cover everything.  The wxPython guys are waiting for fixes from Robin and
> so
> are we waiting.  I assume, if they were easy fixes it would have been done
> already.  So python 2.6 is not supported at the moment.
> --
> John Fabiani

Thanks, everyone for replying.  I guess I'll just have to work with 2.5 for
now.  I don't think I would have been using any of the 2.6-specific features

So, I just tried accessing wxpython.org and haven't been able to get a
response for several minutes now.  Has the site gone on vacation or
something?  Or is the world just bent against me making any progress on this
project of mine?

Thanks again,
Mike M.

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