On Tuesday 14 April 2009 06:57:11 pm Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2009, at 8:45 PM, johnf wrote:
> > This a platform issue.  I have run the choice.py from wxPython demo
> > on both
> > platforms and as I reported the keyboard works on the windows but
> > not on the
> > linux side.  Any chance you are aware of what is happening between the
> > platforms?  Or how I might add the function on Linux?
>       It is generally a bad idea to change the standard behavior of an OS.
> People from the Windows world balk at the different standards on Mac
> OS, and spend a lot of effort getting things to work like they do on
> Windows.
>       You might see if there is a Gtk-level setting that can affect this
> behavior. Otherwise, I would accept it as correct behavior.
> -- Ed

I had not considered that point of view.  However, I do like what standard 
choice.py is doing on windows.  It would be nice to add the same abilities on 
the Linux side.  Thanks for the hint - Gtk-level setting.

John Fabiani

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