On Tuesday 05 May 2009 01:07:48 pm Paul McNett wrote:
> Steve Litt wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > How do I narrow down this problem? My AppWizard generated program can
> > view the data but gets a traceback when I try to write it.
> >
> > I used AppWizard to build a "hello word" from Postgres database test with
> > single table people consisting of an autoincrement called person_id, and
> > text fields fname, lname and job. The generated app was able to view the
> > data, but when I tried to add, it failed with the following trace:
> [snip]
> > File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Dabo-0.9.1-py2.5.egg/dabo/db/dCursorMix
> >in.py", line 760, in genTempAutoPK
> >     pkVal = rec[kf]
> > KeyError: ''
> Is there a primary key defined in the postgres table? If so, it appears
> that AppWizard didn't identify it as such when generating the app.
> Try going into the generated bizobj and adding to initProperties():
>    self.KeyField = "person_id"
>    self.AutoPopulatePK = True
> Paul

I always get confused as to the meaning of AuotPopulatePK.  If the PO 
has "person_id" defined as data type serial (auto-increment) Dabo should NOT 
supply a PK number.  He should also set bizobj.NonUpdateFields=['person_id']

John Fabiani
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