On May 17, 2009, at 6:23 AM, Miguel Lopes wrote:

> I understand what you mean and, given I don't know Dabo I'm probably  
> wrong.
> But the bizobj also encapsulates relationships and this sparks the  
> need for
> several bizobjs from the same table, or not? Let me give you an  
> example:
> account.account_id = contact.account_id (1 Account, M Contact)
> opportunity.opportunity_id = contact.opportunity_id (1 Opportunity, M
> Contact)
> So contacts are assigned to Acounts, but they may also be assigned to
> Opportunities.

        IMO, that sounds like a poor data design. Perhaps there was a reason  
for doing it that way, but an account and an opportunity are the same  
thing; the difference is simply a matter of time. In systems I've  
designed, you would have a customer table with a way to distinguish  
the two states: either a bit field, or simply links to related tables  
that hold the additional columns that need to be tracked for an  
opportunity and an established account.

        With this design, Contacts are assigned to a Customer when the  
Opportunity is first created. When that is converted to an Account,  
nothing needs to change on the Contact side: they still work for the  
same company; that company is now an Account and no longer just an  
Opportunity. You would also not need two contact bizobjs to represent  
what is actually a single relationship.

        Does that make sense in your situation?

-- Ed Leafe

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