On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Ed Leafe <e...@leafe.com> wrote:

> On May 17, 2009, at 6:23 AM, Miguel Lopes wrote:
> > But the bizobj also encapsulates relationships and this sparks the
> > need for
> > several bizobjs from the same table, or not? Let me give you an
> > example:
> >
> > account.account_id = contact.account_id (1 Account, M Contact)
> > opportunity.opportunity_id = contact.opportunity_id (1 Opportunity, M
> > Contact)
> >
> > So contacts are assigned to Acounts, but they may also be assigned to
> > Opportunities.
>         IMO, that sounds like a poor data design. Perhaps there was a
> reason
> for doing it that way, but an account and an opportunity are the same
> thing; the difference is simply a matter of time. In systems I've
> designed, you would have a customer table with a way to distinguish
> the two states: either a bit field, or simply links to related tables
> that hold the additional columns that need to be tracked for an
> opportunity and an established account.

No. The design is good. Here an Opportunity is not a possible future account
(customer). Trust me, the data is as normalized as it should be.
An Opportunity is like a "project" the Account has. You can think of it like
having the opportunity of selling/extending a new app to an existing
customer because they are, for example, opening a new branch office.

The issue in discussion is about having the need to relate a Bizobj based on
table X (DataSource='X') with two different parents. This is certainly a
conceivable design. But how can we accomplish this design without two
different Bizobjs with the same DataSource. It occured to me that I could
have just one contacts Bizobj and instantiate it twice using the LinkField
as a parameter in the constructor. This way we get the benefit of having all
the logic pertaining to the table in the same class.

Could this be a way? Or what am I seeing wrong here? How would you do it?


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