Mike Mabey wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Paul McNett <p...@ulmcnett.com> wrote:
>> Update to r5296 and that should be cleared up.
>> Thanks for reporting these issues!
> Thanks Paul!  The updating is working great now.  However, after the choice
> text is updated, the caption disappears.  I've tried adding a
> radioObj.refresh() call at the end, but it didn't make a difference.  I even
> tried radioObj.Caption = radioObj.Caption with no success. :D
> This wouldn't be a problem at all except that the choices don't make any
> sense without the caption.  What do I need to do to restore the caption
> after I change the choices?

Oops. Clearing the sizer cleared the caption too. I'll look at this 


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