Nate Lowrie wrote:
> Paul McNett wrote:
>> Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
>>> The sizer is used to put a box around a dLabel, but this dLabel's
>>> caption is changed as the user navigates through a grid. Sometimes the
>>> length of the caption is not enough to show the Border Sizer's caption
>>> and I wished to avoid that. I will probably have to pad the dLabel to
>>> the appropriate minimum size.
>> You can give controls (and I believe labels) an explicit Width, say 75, and 
>> from then 
>> on the sizer won't go below that minimum size no matter what (but it will 
>> grow if 
>> needed).
>> Can this help?
> I agree with this.  If it's more than one control, consider a panel with 
> a minimum size.  Else, just set a label minimum size.
> Regards,
> Nate
Thanks a lot Ed, Paul, and Nate. I guess this will solve it. I'll try it
as soon as I have a spare moment. Thanks for your time and help.

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