Hello Adrian,

thanks for answer.

Normally I use Firebird 2.1, so I started there and made a try with
a connect to a local database, that did not work.
I made a try with a simple Python program and kinterbasdb to find out,
if this part is functional and was surprised, it did'nt work, but worked 
Then I found that kinterbasdb has an error when using Firebird 2.1,
that could be corrected by the patch and my test program worked.
To find out, if the problem with DABO is resulting from Firebird 2.1,
I installed the older Firebird 2.0, but no success, so far the history.

I need to use the Firebird, so I must pass this hint, before it makes sense
to start other tests.

When using the firebird with ODBC drivers I use the given connection

However, the Connetion Editor should not crash, it should report a problem
instead ?

I found these program lines in C:\Programme\*Dabo 
and had the idea to test with these parameters, but you are right, there is 
no Firebird DB  :-[ 

                self.dbDefaults = {}
                self.dbDefaults["MySQL"] = {
                                "DbType" : "MySQL",
                                "Host" : "dabodev.com", 
                                "Database" : "webtest",
                                "User" : "webuser",
                                "Password" : "foxrocks",
                                "Port" : "3306",
                                "Name" : "MySQL-default" }
*               self.dbDefaults["Firebird"] = {
                                "DbType" : "Firebird",
                                "Host" : "dabodev.com", 
                                "Database" : "webtest",
                                "User" : "webuser",
                                "Password" : "foxrox",
                                "Port" : "3050",
                                "Name" : "Firebird-default" }
*               self.dbDefaults["PostgreSQL"] = {
                                "DbType" : "PostgreSQL",
                                "Host" : "dabodev.com", 
                                "Database" : "webtest",
                                "User" : "webuser",
                                "Password" : "foxrox",
                                "Port" : "5432",
                                "Name" : "PostgreSQL-default" }
                self.dbDefaults["MsSQL"] = {
                                "DbType" : "MsSQL",
                                "Host" : "", 
                                "Database" : "",
                                "User" : "",
                                "Password" : "",
                                "Port" : "1433",
                                "Name" : "MsSQL-default" }              
                self.dbDefaults["SQLite"] = {
                                "DbType" : "SQLite",
                                "Database" : "webtest.sqlite",
                                "Name" : "SQLite-default" }

Kind regards, viele Grüße

Adrian Klaver schrieb:
> On Wednesday 30 December 2009 6:08:00 am Peter Panczyk wrote:
>> Hello Uwe,
>> /So which version of Python, kinterbasdb, Dabo, wxPython are you using?
>> What connection parameters did you specify in the Connection Editor?
>> /
>> I use those versions:
>> - python 2.5.4 on win32
>> - wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-
>> - Dabo Version: Version 0.9.2; Revision ~5568
>> - UI Version: on wxMSW
>> - kinterbasdb-3.2.win32-FB-2.0-py2.5
>> - Firebird- *or*
>> - Firebird-
>> I made a small Python program to connect to a Firebird DB 2.1, that
>> did not work.
>> The same program with the Firebird 2.0 was working.
>> After some search in internet I used a pa*t*ch for the kinterbasdb
>> __init__.py, which solved the problem with Firebird 2.1.
> What is the patch? It may make it easier to debug if you just try to connect 
> to 
> one version of Firebird until you are successful and then try the other. My 
> guess is that since kinterbasdb works without patching for 2.0 that would be 
> the place to start.
>> For test with the Connection Editor, I used those for example:
>> Database Type        Firebird
>> Host         localhost
>> Port         3050
>> Database     e:/fbver/fbver.fdb
>> Username     sysdba
>> Password     masterkey
> I am not that familiar with Firebird but if you are connecting via a port 
> should 
> you not specify a database name not a file location?
>> *or as shown in the Step-By-Step Guide to Dabo Programming*
>> Database Type        Firebird
>> Host         dabodev.com
>> Port         3050
>> Database     daboconsult
>> Username     dabotutorial
>> Password     tutorial
> As far as I know there is no Firebird database at dabodev.com, it is a MySQL 
> database.
>> If you can make a test with the connection to the host dabodev.com
>> as comparison ...
>> When I use the Connection Editor with the database type Firebird,
>> it crashes, whatever I set into the entry fields.
> This is the local connection or the remote?
>> Regarding the use of Boa or Komodo, I want to integrate program parts
>> from DABO with program modules designed by Boa, I think, it should
>> work.
>> Do you use DABO in bigger applications and do you work often with that
>> framework ?
>> If the Firebird connection works with your equipement, that would give
>> me some hope, bacause I need the Firebird in my applications.
>> Best regards, freundliche Grüße
>> Peter

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