On Tuesday, February 01, 2011 06:03:52 pm Simon Cropper wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> It seems from this conversation one solution to accessing isolated xbase
> tables is convert them to SQLLite, manipulate them within dabo, then
> convert them back to a DBF file. The old file could be renamed, the
> SQLLite database 'hidden from view' and the file replaced with the
> exported file.
> I know SQLLite has some utilities for this. if they could be run from
> the command line maybe I could speed up the process.
> This solution does not however provide support for xbase tables
> associated with other files like shapefiles. This import, export option
> could break the spatial index by modifying the record numbers.
> I'll do some more investigation and look at the dbfpy routines mentioned
> by Adrian.
> Cheers Simon

If all you need to do is edit the shapefile then why not use pgAdminIII.  It's 
available on all the platforms.  Of course this means you don't need Dabo.


The link provides a tutorial on editing shapefiles.

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