
Thanks for the links...
dbfpy is relatively basic. I presume I could use this to import to an 
array then manipulate the data and dump it back to the file. Any idea if 
dabo can manipulate arrays in dGrid or would you need convert the array 
to an 'in memory' sqllite file?

dbf looks really good. My only problem is it reads the entire table to 
memory as a table. Could be a problem with a million records. I will 

Thanks Simon

Simon Cropper
Principal Consultant
Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 160, Sunshine, VIC

On 02/02/11 12:11, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 01, 2011 4:46:02 pm Simon Cropper wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just starting to play with Dabo App Wizard.
>> Does anyone know how to make this work on dbase or VFP files directly?
>> I know that files can be imported to SQLLite but some of these files are
>> associated with spatial data in ESRI Shapefiles (that is, I can't change
>> them).
>> Essentially Shapefiles store all their attribute data in Dbase III
>> format. External packages can readily access these files IF they don't
>> change the file structure, field names or change the code page. I can
>> access these files via VFP, at a pinch, if I want to manipulate the data
>> in a way the GIS package does not allow.
>> As an introductory trial I was looking at making a simple
>> point-open-edit dbase file editor. Just a simple file browser/editor to
>> replace VFP on Ubuntu.
>> It seems the AppWizard (a) does not support xbase files, and (b) the
>> resulting applications are hard wired.
>> The dGrid control looks promising but I need a way of
>> seeing/querying/editing the dbase files, so I am pushed back to the need
>> for an OS independent driver/odbc.
>> Johnf had indicated that several modules exist to allow python to access
>> dbase files but I have not found any that allow editing (the only one he
>> actually pointed to allowed importation into Postgre).
> Here are two Python module with read/write on dbase files:
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