On 03/31/2012 06:24 AM, Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:28 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
>> I don't think an observer would even be needed. The dynamic properties are 
>> already
>> properties, with getter methods. So, the evaluation of the dynamic property 
>> simply
>> needs to happen in the dynamic property's getter.
>       I looked over the code, and I have a few ideas that might make this 
> simpler.
>       First, the methods for the dynamic updates are dunder methods, making 
> them inaccessible from outside the object being updated. We need to either 
> change them to "public" methods, or provide a public method that will in turn 
> call the dunder methods.
>       Second, I think we need to raise two form-level events:
> 1) ValueChanged, which would be raised when any of the form's controls raises 
> a ValueChanged event. This would enable objects to respond when any control 
> on the form changes its value.
> 2) FocusChanged, which would be raised when focus changes from one control to 
> another. This would enable controls to respond to the user navigating within 
> a form.
>       Ideas?

I think the two new events would be helpful in general. I am not sure 
how that deals with the OP's desire not to tie a Dynamic* property to an 
event. I am going to assume that is going to be handled by making the 
Dynamic methods public?

> -- Ed Leafe

Adrian Klaver
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