On 09/11/2013 08:40 PM, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
El 11/09/13 15:53, Paul McNett escribió:
On 9/11/13 11:31 AM, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
I connect manually in order to be able to place the pref database inside my app's
directory structure.
Is there another way of accomplishing this?
You can put it in \Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\<your app name> easily:

class App(dApp):
     def initProperties(self):
self.PreferenceManager = dPref(key="your app name", appName="your app name")

Putting it inside your app program directory probably is shooting yourself in the foot and there isn't a framework helper for doing so. This is user-level preferences, not program-level or system-level. For program-level preferences I keep a _prefs table in the app's shared database and then get/save from there using my own custom
pref dialog (which also pulls some prefs from the dPref database).


I've tried this (see below), and yet the grid won't remember the column widths. The window and other stuff are remembered. I've also tried the code with the "import dabo.dPref as dPref" and "app.PreferenceManager =....." commented out, i.e. with no code referring to the Preferences, and it doesn't work either.
import dabo
from ui import WinProx
import dabo.dPref as dPref


app = dabo.dApp()

app.PreferenceManager = dPref(appName='WinProx',

app.MainFormClass = WinProx


I always thought you just needed to do something like:

 app.BasePrefKey = "PesED"
    app.setAppInfo("appName", "PES Education")
app.setAppInfo("appShortName", "PES Education") ## appShortName normally just removes all the spaces from appName
    app.setAppInfo("Icon", "pes.ico")


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