
On 2/4/2015 14:30, Ed Leafe wrote:
On Feb 3, 2015, at 8:47 PM, Neil Flowers <njflower...@gmail.com> wrote:
Here’s the relevant snippet from uiApp.OnInit:

        def OnInit(self):
                app = self.dApp
                # As of wx3, locale must be set using wx.Locale; this can only 
be created after the wx.App's initialization, so locale
                # is moved here (also note setting locale is no longer 
toolkit-agnostic, so other toolkit bindings would need to handle it internally)
                if dabo.loadUserLocale:
                        self.locale = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT)

This seemed to be fine when placed in __init__ as well, so that’s another 
option. I didn’t even see the locale issue manifest until I started testing on 
Windows, but the above should work on any platform.
Would this cause a problem if the user has set a locale to something other than 
the wx default?
Hhm, didn't think of that but yes it could. In my app I have this method to change the language (which is mostly borrowed from the wxPython demo module I18N):

    def updateLanguage(self, lang):
        """Update language locale."""
        # Make *sure* any existing locale is deleted before the new
        # one is created.  The old C++ object needs to be deleted
        # before the new one is created, and if we just assign a new
        # instance to the old Python variable, the old C++ locale will
        # not be destroyed soon enough, likely causing a crash.
        if self.locale:
            assert sys.getrefcount(self.locale) <= 2
            del self.locale

        # create a locale object for this language
        if lang in supportedLangs:
            self.locale = wx.Locale(supportedLangs[lang])
            if self.locale.IsOk():
                self.locale = None
            self.locale = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT)

Just added the last two lines and tested it. If update language is called with e.g. 'it' which I don't support the last else is used and the UI shows up in English.

Not sure how to handle that in Dabo, how/where do we get the user selected language from?

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