On mardi 4 septembre 2018 09:49:03 CEST FK wrote:
> +1
> I would love to use styles more often, but the suggested workflow of
> "duplicate - apply style - delete - repeat" for several styles per
> picture ... no way!

For now, that's the way it is, I'm afraid.

> Intuitively, I'd expect to see a popup thumbnail when hovering above a
> style with a preview -- or even a preview on the full image.
> Would be a great feature :-)


A full image preview would also be quite a load on your system if a style is 
complex or uses modules like equalizer or profiled denoise.

But, are you using styles to see if they improve an image (or at least look 
good), or are you looking for a certain effect and want to pick the closest 

If the latter, you shouldn't need to try out that many styles if you know your 
styles library. 


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