Peter Schlaufer schrieb am 06.08.20 um 09:36:
Dear All

I am with dt since half a year after more than 10 years with LR and I have to say, that after an initial hard time I find it now better for me.  I am a frequent reader to this blog and these mails. With this I became more interested with Linux. I am now on MacOs and working with dt is going very smoothly. However my temptation for Linux grew bigger, I therefore built on my Macbook Air an Ubuntu Application on which I as doing my first steps and I find it even better and am tempted to change to Linux for good. I have my pictures (apprx 25’000)on an external SSD drive and they are now all organised in darktable and as a big work I have reworked all the tags of these photos, which have been growing in these 15 years to a giant mess and this was a big work which I could do during the lockdown time. The SSD drive is MacOs journaled formatted

For this I have some questions: When I now would change to Linux I would have to reformat the SSD drive to fat32 that it can be read and written in Linux. After an import to a Linux darktable-application would then only the the xmp data  which were created by dt seen or would the „old“ xmp data, especially all the tags, of LR times reappear and so be destroying all the lot of work, which would make me reconsider a possible change.

I would suggest
- not use fat32 - no journal and lot very data secure
- use one of the native linux file systems if you work on linux only on that machine (I use good old ext4 on my machines)

Data import: I would simply
- copy the profile of darktable to the new install
- copy the image folder to the newly formated drive home directory (provided that your images are organised with a main folder and all subfolder below that).

After first start go to the collect module in lighttable and select the "directory" view
You might find your main folder stroked through.
If that's the case, then right click on that entry and chose the new location

After that you should be done, everything should be up and running


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