On Mon, 26 Oct 2020 at 02:05, David Vincent-Jones <david...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am still finding problems in establishing a 'custom' module layout now that 
> the Favorites column is removed.

You *can* re-add the favourites column; in fact, I replied to your
original thread less than 2 weeks ago and provided a step-by-step
guide with screenshots.

> The following describes my approach and some apparent problems that have 
> resulted.
> a. I started with a 'scene referred' module set and then deleted all modules 
> that I would not generally use. That module grouping was then saved.
> b. Then I opened an image and turned on the most common modules and saved 
> each 'on' module as a named preset.

A preset only applies to a single module. Did you save such a preset
for each? Did you set them to be applied automatically? Otherwise, I
see no use for such presets, as one could enable a module faster than
apply a preset.

> c. Then I was able to see my module selection correctly shown in the 'active 
> module' column.
> d. Next I saved all of the active modules (with check marks) in a new style.
> My hope was that this style would place only my common modules (in the 
> correct order) in the active column for other images. To my surprise modules 
> from other groups not only appeared but were turned on. For instance 
> filmic-rgb and base-curve were both showing as being active!!

Base curve and filmic can come from two places:
- you turned them on (either in a style, a preset (applied
automatically or manually) or explicitly)
- you selected an option under Preferences & Settings / processing /
auto-apply pixel workflow defaults other than 'none'

If you want to use the scene-referred workflow, select that (or vice
versa). Also, note that this only applies to new images; that is, if
you've opened an image and it auto-applied the base curve, it's now
part of the history, and 'auto-apply pixel workflow defaults' won't
have an effect; applying a preset that enables filmic will result in
both being enabled, ***unless*** you also save e.g. 'base curve: off'
into the style.

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