Hi Terry,

Check out Bruce Williams excellent four part video series on new stuff in 3.4, he discusses the change of one of those modules to "surface blur"

Watch them all, time well spent.


On 6/1/21 12:46 pm, Terry Pinfold wrote:

Hi Martin,
     I had read and have now reread the release notes https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/releases/tag/release-3.4.0 and saw no mention of denoise modules being renamed. Maybe I am reading the wrong release notes? Previously there had been denoise bilateral filter and denoise non-local means and they seem to have gone but astrophoto denoise has appeared. Also, I tried to find the zone system and put it into one of my groups, but it does not appear in the search result when I am trying to manage my presets. I am using Windows 10 if this is relevant.

*From:* Martin Straeten <martin.strae...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Wednesday, 6 January 2021 10:53 AM
*To:* Terry Pinfold <tpinf...@gmail.com>
*Cc:* tanya.rise...@gmail.com <tanya.rise...@gmail.com>; darktable forum <darktable-user@lists.darktable.org> *Subject:* Re: [darktable-user] DT 3.4 no longer has zone system module (gone!) You can use zone system even it’s deprecated. You just need to put in into the group you want to find it. or access it by searching for it. Some further denoise modules weren’t removed but renamed - sometimes it’s worth to read release notes ..

Am 05.01.2021 um 23:45 schrieb Terry Pinfold <tpinf...@gmail.com>:

/"The developers should keep the zone system in my opinion."/
I would tend to agree with Tanya about keeping the zone system. While I much prefer the tone equalizer module over the zone system I feel having the choice to use or not use the zone system is best. What I really like about DT is the ability to have so many choices of modules to achieve your desired outcome. I can understand that modules may have to be deprecated if they can not be maintained or cause DT to not work correctly, but if this is not the case then I would agree that the zone system should be reinstated.

I was also surprised to see some noise reduction modules have disappeared in the latest version of DT. I did like the options of multiple modules for tackling different noise issues. But in saying that I am impressed with the improvements to the denoise (profiled) module, especially the chrominance only preset in the hamburger. I really appreciate the effort of all the developers for producing my favourite editing program, but please only deprecate modules if you really have to.
/Thanks Terry/

On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 at 09:28, Tanya Riseman <tanya.rise...@gmail.com <mailto:tanya.rise...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thank you all for the tips on using tone equalizer. I am still
    digesting them, but have made a lot of progress.

    I am using DT 3.2 so that I can compare zone system and tone
    equalizer. I understand that tone equalizer in v. 3.4 is a lot
    better, but I am putting off upgrading to it due to the lack of
    zone system.

    I took a sample picture to edit, with a good range of black to
    white. I want to make it look like the classic B&W street
    photography with "inky blacks". In zone system I pushed the dark
    shadows down toward the black to get this effect. I also pushed
    the highlights toward the whites, but not as much. There are 8
    points on the zone strip that one can vary. I am going for the
    look of "inky blacks" over preserving all the detail.

    In tone equalizer using the default mask type of guided filter
    and spreading the mask histogram as much as I could, I got about
    3.5 points on the curve that could modify the picture. I could
    not get anything near to the result from zone system. Too grey.

    I tried choosing 'no' in preserve details (in the masking tab),
    as Juan suggested. Now the mask spans all 8 EV and I was able to
    get very close to my picture from zone system.

    So my conclusions are

    1. It is not certain that tone equalizer is mature since the last
    big update is only from late December.

    2. If tone equalizer is not yet mature, it is premature to
    deprecate the zone system module.

    3. The tone equalizer "preserve details" option of "no" that
    basically replicates the zone system/ tone curve is very buried.
    Maybe it should be on the simple tab. To be honest I find the
    tone curve hard to use and was initially smitten with the simple
    tab on the tone equalizer.

    4. Learning the tone equalizer is much harder than the zone
    system (thank you for the hand holding). This is a barrier for
    beginners; let them get their sea legs using the zone system as
    they learn techniques that go beyond basic sliders.

    5. Obviously in using the tone equalizer, there are other images
    where the intention is more of preserving detail while not
    adjusting tone values more than the detail mask allows. I can
    think of documentary cases like bird photos and scientific images.

    6. The developers should keep the zone system in my opinion.

    Tanya Riseman

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