I am wary of asking the devs to add another layer of complexity to the
interface. Every method of allowing users to customize their interface
adds: complexity, new points of failure, another aspect new users will have
to learn, and more features that fewer people will care for.

I hope the devs continue to do as they have: add underlying functions and
utility and keep it reasonably simple. I believe they have done a
remarkable job, and that their results are proof that their intuitions are
very good.

I hope they do not add layers of UI complexity.

I should add that I am a long time but relatively unsophisticated darktable
user. Perhaps I am wrong in my vision here. I would welcome any correction
about my opinion from devs or more sophisticated users who know the
interface programming that underlies the UI of darktable.

>>>>>>>>But, why not allow the user to create a tab with aliases to the
original modules, which would never be altered whatever the alias tab
displays ?
When the user needs to see what is really happening, he goes back to the
main tab, and when he wants to work according to his taste, he uses his
alias tab.>>>>>

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