There is another side to this discussion that's not been considered.  The
devs don't just build features.  They also provide documentation, tech
support, education, videos, and bug fixing.

Let's say they implement a feature so the user can configure the GUI with
any module order they would like, and it doesn't affect the pixel pipe. And
we still have the pixelpipe that we can reorder.  Then a user processes an
image and it doesn't turn out the way they think it should have.  On this
list, as well as github, almost all of the conversations take place in
English.  However English isn't the first language of a lot of the devs as
well as a lot of the users.  So can you imagine the conversation when the
user is trying to relate what order they did things in and the dev is
trying to overcome the language barrier, figure out which module order the
user is talking about, figure out what order the pixelpipe was in, and
figure out what happened?  And what happens when the dev asks the user to
try a different order and the dev was talking about the pixelpipe and the
user adjusts the GUI order.

There is also the possibility of confusion on the part of the user when
they reorder the pixelpipe thinking they were reordering the GUI.

Sometimes features aren't implemented because the devs can't figure out how
to support them, not because they can't implement them.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 7:52 PM Ricardo Kozmate.Net <>

> DT is a really fine app.
> It would be even better, in my opinion, if it allowed users to use it in
> a way that feels comfortable to each user. Allowing to sort the modules
> *on the GUI* feels like a reasonable request. I would like to.
> Comparing to masks' order in GIMP is silly, that was not the point, I
> presume.
> Compare it to GIMP allowing to order the tools in the toolbox, as it does.
> Want to do it? Great!
> Do not want to do it? Fine, too.
> Devs may, and *should*, do whatever they think best. But pushing away
> suggestions with arrogant remarks will, in the long run, result in a
> poorer DT. For everybody.
> Users might have good and original ideas too, you know? If devs kill the
> will to help, they'll lose. We all lose.
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