Em 16/02/2021 01:20, Guillermo Rozas escreveu:
On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, 21:52 Ricardo Kozmate.Net <rica...@kozmate.net <mailto:rica...@kozmate.net>> wrote:

    Comparing to masks' order in GIMP is silly, that was not the point, I
    Compare it to GIMP allowing to order the tools in the toolbox, as it

No. Gimp's toolbox is not comparable because each tool there is independent of the others, and they're applied in the same order they're activated.

> In darktable they are not: the order of application is
> defined independently of the order in which they're
> activated [...]

GIMPS' toolbox and DT's interface are comparable, because they are the way users find the tools.

Possibly one 'problem' is that DT's interface is used also to display modules' processing order.

Comparing it to Gimp's layers is not silly, they work the same way: there is an intrinsic order in which things are applied, and that order is represented by the order of the GUI.

But layers is one tool, of which the user chooses the order of, while DT's GUI is the whole app. Note that I am OK with a fixed pixelpipe pipepline, the devs studied it and found it produces better results this way?... great, as far as I am concerned


That said, what do I see as the problem and a possible improvement?

GIMP's interface has the tools, which users can order more or less at will, in the toolbox (you can also add menus, I do not recall if you can change the standard menus).

Tools are applied by whatever order the user wants.

There is one "undo" tool which displays that order and allows to get back.

(I am not saying it is good or bad, it is merely descriptive of the overall picture.)

DT's tools are (almost) fixed in the interface, and applied in the order shown in the interface.

There is a history tab on the left displaying the users' activation order.

(still merely descriptive, I hope)

OK, what is the problem, as I see it?

DT's interface has one more thing to display, compared to GIMP: the module application order.

DT's option to solve that is to have the tools in that fixed order on the interface. Well... almost...

The fixed order may make it hard to find the tools because whatever is the logical technical order to apply them may not be the order users think of them. That is why the devs had to select the order «with great care». But as someone pointed already in a fun way, you have to put your a sock before a shoe, but you may choose which shoe before which sock :) I also note that image editing is a technical but also an artistic task, giving 'the artist' as much freedom to follow their flow intuition as possible is a good thing.

Probably acknowledging that, and to make tools easier to find, there are tool groups ("tone group", "color group", etc). Note that when using those groups we already loose track of module application order. We get the order within that group, but we don't know about tools in other groups. I think the only way to see the full modules' order is by choosing the "show only active modules" tab.

So a implementation suggestions:

- Allow to sort the tools within the tool groups, or at least the favorites group.


- Keep the "show only active modules" tab in module application order


- Add a tab on the left, similar to the history tab, showing module application order.

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