btw, I went with this for the case in question - probably a cheaper
operaiton anyway:
  def self.contract(month)
    d = Date.from_contract_month(month)
    month_start =, d.month, 1)
    month_end = DateRule.apply(month_start, "+1m-1d")
    all(:expiration_date => (month_start..month_end))

still interested in the db-function abstraction in general though.

On Jan 11, 8:13 pm, Patrik Sundberg <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to convert this named scop from AR to DM:
>   named_scope :contract, lambda { |month|
>     d = Date.from_contract_month(month)
>     { :conditions => ['EXTRACT(YEAR from expiration_date) = ? and
> EXTRACT(MONTH from expiration_date) = ?',
>                       d.year, d.month ]
>     }
>   }
> It uses some postgres functions and I was wondering if there's any
> abstractions for things like this in DM ?
> Sort of like
> def self.contract(month)
>   all(:expiration_date.year => d.year, :expiration_date.month =>
> d.month)
> end
> I can do it with an SQL query in DM, just wanted to check if there's
> some abstraction that can get me out of doing that. I saw a thread
> related to this sort of thing from end of 2008 and dug around on
> github but didn't see anything.
> Thanks,
> Patrik
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