Hey Perry,

DM1 implements Active Record pattern so there's no big difference between 
DM1 and ActiveRecord in Rails from the app's design point of view. You 
*can* separate persistence concerns from domain logic using either DM1 or 
AR; however, it adds a lot of extra work so you should really think if 
that's what you need.

It's also probably worth to mention that DM1's development is no longer 
very active. We're busy working on the next major version of DM which 
implements Data Mapper pattern and that's probably something you're looking 
for unfortunately it's not finished yet.

If you want to learn about DM 2.0 you can check out my slides from 
conf: https://speakerdeck.com/solnic/datamapper-2-an-object-mapping-toolkit

DM1, given its stale development, is not really a good choice IMHO. 
ActiveRecord has much better support in Rails and you can face various 
integration issues when using DM1 (no matter how much I hate to admit that 
heh). It is also a big unknown when and even IF we're going to release DM 

Hope this helps.


# solnic

On Friday, November 30, 2012 3:41:22 PM UTC+1, Perry Smith wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I keep looking at DataMapper but I get scared (or lazy is probably more 
> accurate).
> I have an existing Rails 3.2.8 project that is not yet deployed.  I 
> decided a few weeks ago to somewhat start over and use BDD (cucumber, 
> rspec, etc) to "drive" a major reworking of the project.  The main purpose 
> of the project is a place for me to learn.
> I'm also reading various books and articles like Objects On Rails and 
> Clean Ruby that prompt me to decouple the database from the business 
> logic.  I've been lead to believe that DataMapper is a better than 
> ActiveRecord for this.
> I've also bumped into a couple posts that DataMapper 1.2 isn't compatible 
> with Rails 3.2.8 so the beta version needs to be used.  That doesn't bother 
> me but I'm hoping to get some good directions on how to make the move from 
> ActiveRecord to DataMapper in my current situation.
> Thank you
> Perry

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