On Saturday, December 1, 2012 4:17:10 PM UTC+1, Perry Smith wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2012, at 7:30 AM, solnic wrote:
> > Hey Perry,
> > 
> > DM1 implements Active Record pattern so there's no big difference between 
> > DM1 and ActiveRecord in Rails from the app's design point of view. You 
> > *can* separate persistence concerns from domain logic using either DM1 or 
> > AR; however, it adds a lot of extra work so you should really think if 
> > that's what you need.
> > 
> > It's also probably worth to mention that DM1's development is no longer 
> > very active. We're busy working on the next major version of DM which 
> > implements Data Mapper pattern and that's probably something you're looking 
> > for unfortunately it's not finished yet.
> > 
> > If you want to learn about DM 2.0 you can check out my slides from 
> > RubyShift conf: 
> > https://speakerdeck.com/solnic/datamapper-2-an-object-mapping-toolkit
> Thank you immensely.  Things make much more sense now.  It was DM 2.0 that 
> was being mentioned in the other sources.
> Is it too early to use DM 2?  As I said, my current project is mostly to 
> learn.  I'd be more than happy to piddle and play and provide some feedback.  
> I usually use Postgres

It is too early. If things go well we will release an alpha in December and 
it'll be perfect time for testing things out and providing feedback :)

Currently development takes place in https://github.com/solnic/dm-mapper and 


# solnic

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